Monday, June 14, 2021

The importance of horizontal family in education

For children, education begins at home and continues to progress at school, but whiout good rapport between professional and family, this educational process will be affected, since the child will not be able to distinguish very well where the limits are. 

All professionals in the educational field highlight the family as a vital representative in the teaching- learning process of their children. A good relationship between family- student- school will turn our children into great talents, since they feel supported in their training. 

the importance of family support has the objective of guidng them to each of their children and especially in these times of pandemic since education became an online modality which students will need more focus on the learning process. Perhaps the following tips can help you: 

  • Establish fixed study hours.
  • Establish an ongoing dialogue with the school.
  • Seek professionals if you find that your child needs it. 
  • Establish good communication with him/ her, ask him/ her about how the day has gone, future exams, how is it with his/ her classmates, how is the interaction with his/ her teachers...
  • Establish the same place at home, where the child gets used to carry out class assignments. 
  • If you notice any unusual behavior, as your tutor if they have observed it in class as well. 
  • Give him time to rest after class or study. 
  • Spend time with them; help them with homework..

The truth is that learning comes in many forms. Sometimes children learn by being told something directly. However, the most common way children learn is by observation of everyday life. A child’s learning and socialization are most influenced by their family since the family is the child’s primary social group.Ultimately, the family will be responsible for shaping a child and influencing their values, skills, socialization, and security during childhood development stages. 

When you bring your child home for the first time, your family will become their social group. Parents are the first teachers for children. What your child learns through the interactions between you and them is what they will carry for the rest of their life in regards to how to treat others. Through this socialization with family, your child will learn how to trust, seek friendships from others, and find comfort with others as well.

Learning how to have face-to-face interactions is critical in a child’s development. Face-to-face interactions require immediate responses, facial expressions, cues, certain tones of voice, and much more that we do not receive through texting or other online message systems.

However, knowing how important the role of family is in the development of children is crucial. As parents, you are your child’s first teachers. More than day care or other caregivers, most of your child’s learning happens at home with their family. Creating an environment where your child can learn the appropriate skills and values as well as learn how to socialize and be secure creates a solid foundation upon which your child can grow.

Friday, June 11, 2021

We have always heard that the family is the basis of society, based on this argument, the family plays a very important role in education, mainly of children since they are in the stage of greater "absorption" of knowledge and instilling values.
All human beings need to establish bonds of affection, and the best candidates to establish such a bond is THE FAMILY. In all stages of life, affectivity is essential for human beings, but even more so in childhood, and parents should be aware of this and thus be able to satisfy this as a primary need.
The family is the most motivating environment for children to learn and mature in an adequate way, impregnating this context with love, respect and trust and maturity, impregnating this context with love, respect and trust, and this is achieved by establishing good affectionate good emotional bonds between the components of the family. 

In my personal opinion, the family should always be committed to the education of their children, especially in the school stage, since in this period the children are like a "sponge" and absorb with much more ease; the good customs, values and learning in general. The family also plays a very important role in the mental health of each individual, since we are beings of company and we need affection in every stage of our life from the moment we are born until we die. The family is the foundation of society and will always play a very important role in education.